A secure and easy-to-use mobile app that allows a user to record and manage his or her own personal health care information.
It's all you, your medical record number, your address and more. It's kept secure and you decide who sees what.
Important information, at a glance. It's the first thing you see upon opening Health Track.
Go ahead, have a chat style conversation with your doctor instead of separate messages back and forth.
Map it out. Search to find full service and or 24 hour pharmacies around you.
Everything about your health you would ever need to know, recorded by your doctor and kept just for you.
See your curent and past doctors plus their contact information. We've got you covered.
Securely login to the app with your HealthTrack account. If you prefer, the app can remember your user ID so logging in will be faster each time. Your password can't be remembered for your saftey and personal security. If you forget your password, you can be reminded or, choose to reset it.
Navigating through the app is super easy! Tap the menu icon in the upper left to open it. Tap on a menu item to go to that section of the app. When you navigate into a section such as messages, to view a single message, a back arrow will be shown instead.
This is the place where all of your information is stored. It includes your medical record number, your birthday, your address, and more. It is kept secure and you're in control of your information. It's never shared with third parties, only the medical professionals you trust.
Have a "behind the scenes" look at the work that went into making this project. View all of the important project details and information including demographics, research, color palettes, and, more!
Visit the Process BlogHealth Track is the moble app idea from Benjamin Michael Levy. It was created during the spring of 2014 within the 15 weeks of his senior project class. The first class started out with bringing in three different ideas to then choosing the best one. The idea that was chosen as the best, a health app for tracking and managing personal health records. Health Track was thought up, designed, and coded into a demo app from start to finish.